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How to write a list of list into excel using python?

How to write a list of list into excel using python 3?

new_list = [["first", "second"], ["third", "fourth"]]
with open("file_name.csv", 'w') as f:
    fc = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')

I can write this list into csv file but How canI want to write in excel file?

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pythoncoder Avatar asked Apr 04 '19 05:04


People also ask

How do I convert a list to an Excel spreadsheet in Python?

You can write any data (lists, strings, numbers etc) to Excel, by first converting it into a Pandas DataFrame and then writing the DataFrame to Excel. To export a Pandas DataFrame as an Excel file (extension: . xlsx, . xls), use the to_excel() method.

How do you write multiple rows in Excel in Python?

To insert multiple rows into the worksheet, call the insertRows method of the Cells collection. The InsertRows method takes two parameters: Row index, the index of the row from where the new rows will be inserted. Number of rows, total number of rows that need to be inserted.

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Excel's text to column feature lets you easily split this data into separate columns. You simply select the column, click Data → Text to Columns, and delimit by a comma. And voila!

4 Answers

You can use the pandas library.

import pandas as pd

new_list = [["first", "second"], ["third", "four"], ["five", "six"]]
df = pd.DataFrame(new_list)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('test.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='welcome', index=False)

Related documentation:

  • pandas.ExcelWriter
  • pandas.DataFrame
  • pandas.DataFrame.to_excel
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Sankar guru Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 22:10

Sankar guru

Here is one way to do it using XlsxWriter:

import xlsxwriter

new_list = [['first', 'second'], ['third', 'four'], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]

with xlsxwriter.Workbook('test.xlsx') as workbook:
    worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

    for row_num, data in enumerate(new_list):
        worksheet.write_row(row_num, 0, data)


enter image description here

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jmcnamara Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 22:10


I think you should use pandas library to write and read data in this library the function pandas.DataFrame.to_excel(..) will make you able to directly write to excel files for all this you may need to define pandas.DataFrame for this work here is a tutorial on pandas-dataframe by dataCamp.

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ShivamPR21 Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 22:10


You can also do this with openpyxl library.

from openpyxl import Workbook

new_list = [["first", "second"], ["third", "fourth"]]

wb = Workbook() # creates a workbook object.
ws = wb.active # creates a worksheet object.

for row in new_list:
    ws.append(row) # adds values to cells, each list is a new row.

wb.save('File_Name.xlsx') # save to excel file.
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Alex Berezhniy Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 21:10

Alex Berezhniy