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How to write to stdout with gnuplot's print statement?



When I use the following in my script, gnuplot will print test to stderr:

print "test"

However, I want to write test to stdout as only errors should be written to stderr.

like image 233
mozzbozz Avatar asked Dec 09 '14 09:12


1 Answers

As stated in the gnuplot docs (type help print in interactive gnuplot console):

The output file can be set with set print.

So, let's look up set print:

Without "<filename>", the output file is restored to <STDERR>. The <filename> "-" means <STDOUT>.

So simply add a set print "-" at the top of your gnuplot script and everything printed by the print-statement is written to stdout.

like image 97
mozzbozz Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 00:11
