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How to write SSIS switch/case expression?

This is a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) expressions question (I'm pretty new to it).

I would like to write a switch/case expression in a Derived Column transform - basically the new column can have 5 different possible values, based on the value of an input column. All I got from Google is the (condition) ? (true value) : (false value) technique, but this only provides for two possible values. Does SSIS expressions have a switch/case type expression?

I thought of using sequential Derived Column transforms, or creating a temporary lookup table, but that just seems more complicated that it really should be.


like image 239
avesse Avatar asked Nov 06 '09 08:11


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1 Answers

I have used the equivalent of a if-elseif-else statement to solve the problem, like this:

(condition1) ? (true value1) : (condition2) ? (true value2) : (false value)

like image 155
avesse Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 07:11
