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How to write programming code containing the ' character in latex?



People also ask

How do I add a code to a snippet in LaTeX?

Creating Source Code The command \usepackage[margin=2.5cm]{geometry} affects the printed source code's layout. The command \usepackage{listings} informs LaTeX to include the source code in the document. The command \usepackage{hyperref} is needed for adding links in the text.

How do you use verbatim in LaTeX?

The verbatim environment is used to display LaTeX commands instead of having them executed. To display a single command in-line, the \verb|| command can be used. To display a whole block, we can use \begin{verbatim} to open the environment and \end{verbatim} to close it.

How do I print a symbol in LaTeX?

If you simply want the character to be printed just as any other letter, include a \ in front of the character. For example, \$ will produce $ in your output. The exception to the rule is the \ itself because \\ has its own special meaning. A \ is produced by typing $\backslash$ in your file.

Load the upquote package to fix this issue in verbatim mode.

If you want straight quotes in monospaced text mode (e.g., \texttt{...}), or indeed in any other font, then you can use the \textquotesingle command defined in the textcomp package:

\verb|'c'| \texttt{\upquote{h}}
\textsf{\upquote{h}} \upquote{h}

This will work well for fonts in any encoding rather than depending on a specific glyph slot (such as \char13 in the default OT1 encoding).

Adding \usepackage{upquote} to my preamble was sufficient.

Perhaps older versions of LaTeX or upquote required more work.

I have

alt text

What is wrong?


If you want to get something like this

alt text


\let \@sverbatim \@verbatim
\def \@verbatim {\@sverbatim \verbatimplus}
{\catcode`'=13 \gdef \verbatimplus{\catcode`'=13 \chardef '=13 }} 

For displaying source code, you might consider using the listings package; it is quite powerful and offers an option to display “straight” quotation marks.