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How to write a JavaScript template class?

I'm just a newer to JavaScript. I want to write a JS template class like C++. for example:

template <typename T>
class A
    A(T x)

    void print()
    T a;

We can use this class like this:

A<int> test(2);

For C++, it's simple. But in JS, how it can be explained? Thanks very much.

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greatsea Avatar asked Aug 08 '11 03:08


People also ask

What is the syntax of template class?

1. What is the syntax of class template? Explanation: Syntax involves template keyword followed by list of parameters in angular brackets and then class declaration.

Can we create class in JavaScript?

Class methods are created with the same syntax as object methods. Use the keyword class to create a class. Always add a constructor() method. Then add any number of methods.

What is class template example?

For example: template<class L, class T> class Key; This reserves the name as a class template name. All template declarations for a class template must have the same types and number of template arguments.

Can template be used for class?

We can define a template for a class. For example, a class template can be created for the array class that can accept the array of various types such as int array, float array or double array.

3 Answers

Javascript does not need templates to handle generic types because Javascript is a dynamically typed language. This means that in Javascript, functions can accept arguments of any type.

To achieve the same functionality as the example template in your question, you may use this (much shorter) Javascript code using object literals:

var A = {
  print: function(value) {

This can be used like so:


You can see this code sampe in action on JsFiddle.

If you want the code to correspond more closely to the C++, you can use this approach using a function instead:

var A = function(value) {
  return {
    print: function() {

Which can be used like this:

var test = A(2);

You can see this in action on JsFiddle.

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Peter Olson Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Peter Olson

You could do this:

var A = function ( x ) {
    var a = x;
    this.print = function () {

var test = new A(2);
test.print(); // -> 2

In this case, the variable a is private, the function print is public (as is any other property of this), and A is the constructor function for the template (prototype object).

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mVChr Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10


Well in your case, since the template parameter is a type, you don't need to reflect it in Javascript.

But if you had something like a function pointer

typedef bool (*C) (const int&, const int&);

template<C c>
class my_class{

    void my_method(){
        // use c 
        // ...


You could translate it to

var my_class_t = function(c){

    var my_class = function(){

    my_class.prototype.my_method = function(){
        // use c 
        // ...

    return my_class;

And use it as follows

var my_class = my_class_t(function(a, b){return a < b;});
var my_instance = new my_class();
like image 1
Mmmh mmh Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10

Mmmh mmh