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how to write a desktop application which uses HTML and CSS for user interface and python/perl/c++/java for the processing?

Different languages have different GUI toolkits, but it looks very difficult to achieve attractive user interfaces as good as we can using HTML and CSS with less effort. I don't do my application in javascript as I doubt if it has all the required libraries and I want to do it in python.

How do I use rendering engines like gecko, webkit etc in python? Which one will be more suited to work with python?.Is there any 'only html/css' rendering engine without javascript?

Will it be easy to write event handlers for DOM events and manipulate DOM in python?

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balki Avatar asked Oct 01 '10 12:10


1 Answers

There are a couple of ways you might want to go about this: the most simple would probably be to use something like Adobe AIR, which is basically a Webkit rendering engine with an extended javascript engine, which allows you to program in more complex functionality.

Otherwise you could check out the wxWebConnect project, which is aimed at enabling "developers to quickly integrate advanced Web browser capabilities into their own applications." and is provided as a wxWidgets control library, which is something most python developers should be familiar with. It integrates the Mozilla Gecko rendering engine into your application.

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Randy the Dev Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 11:11

Randy the Dev