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How does having Chrome devtools open change behaviour?

In my JavaScript, I have implemented a feature that hides the title bar and it is triggered by a scrollEvent. So when I scroll down, the title bar is hidden. As I begin to scroll up, it is revealed. Think about it as a similar effect to what most mobile browsers do with the search bar.

Here's the thing... with devtools open, it works just fine. If I close devtools, the effect no longer works, ie. the title bar remains visible as I scroll down. If I reopen devtools (ctrl-shift-j), the effect works again. I am running the devtools in a separate window, so its presence doesn't affect the window dimensions of my app.

Does anybody know what influence the presence of Chrome devtools has on Javascript or rendering behaviour?

NB, for any speed readers that miss the point of my question, I am not asking for a solution to the problem I'm seeing. I'm specifically only asking for answers to my question.

EDIT: I've now discovered that having devconsole in the foreground vs background is significant too. With the console in the foreground, it works, in the background it fails. See animated gif at https://ibb.co/4M75sPQ

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pinoyyid Avatar asked Jul 30 '19 00:07


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Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. These tools let you inspect the rendered HTML (DOM) and network activity of your pages. You can use DevTools to troubleshoot ad serving issues.

What does the application panel in Chrome DevTools enable you to do?

View and edit files, create Snippets, debug JavaScript, and set up Workspaces in the Sources panel of Chrome DevTools.

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Google Chrome's Developer Tools is a great tool for troubleshooting, improving network performance, seeing your site on different screen sizes and resolutions, and getting information on where your site needs improvement. There are a lot of features and you can add even more through extensions.

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Chrome's developer tools offer an emulator, not an actual phone or tablet, to simulate your website on any given mobile device. This emulation is based solely on changing the screen resolution to match the dimensions of the device. Consequently, Chrome's display of your website on mobile may be completely inaccurate.

1 Answers

I had a similar question in stack quite some time ago. Mine affected the way and speed JS was executed, specifically JSPerf was being slower when I had the console open, and the tests were completely messed up you can take a look at my answer here

Still, might be that some of the issues might be related to your config of the devtools, as this user pointed out in this question https://askubuntu.com/a/633838/742250

Have you tried in an incognito window or in other browsers? Mozilla or Safari?

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Alejandro Vales Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09

Alejandro Vales