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How to write a compiler in Haskell? In C# I use a lot of state

I'm doing a compiler in C# for a school project and I can't stop wondering how I would do that in Haskell.

For example:

My code generation for a While loop is:

public override void generateCode(Compiler compiler)
        int jumpToTheBeginningInstructionIndex = compiler.getIndexOfNextActionInCurrentFunction();
        MachineInstructions.JMP jumpTotheBeginning = new MachineInstructions.JMP(jumpToTheBeginningInstructionIndex);
        MachineInstructions.JMPF jumpToTheEnd = new MachineInstructions.JMPF();


        //I insert the jump to the end here:

        foreach(IAction action in this.thenActions)

        //...But is here where I know where should it jump to:
        jumpToTheEnd.whereToJump = compiler.getIndexOfNextActionInCurrentFunction();

You can see how I insert the code for the jumpToTheEnd at the very middle of the method, but is not until the end where I know the line where the jump jumps. Fortunately, I keep a pointer to that jump and I'm easily able to set its whereToJump attribute at the very end of the method.

How would you do that in Haskell!? Any recommended tutorial?

like image 882
Lay González Avatar asked Oct 31 '13 23:10

Lay González

People also ask

Does Haskell compile to C?

The compiler (written in Haskell), translates Haskell to C, assembly, LLVM bitcode and other formats. The strategy it uses is described best here: Implementing lazy functional languages on stock hardware:the Spineless Tagless G-machine.

Can you write a compiler in Haskell?

A compiler is essentially a transformation of algorithms , where the source code is your initial input, into an output (some sought of bytecode typically). This is a really good fit for a language like Haskell, because the design space is quite flat and simple (data structures such as AST's into other data structures).

Is C faster than Haskell?

You don't have to deal with when to free the memory, just all these niceties add up, but it's at the cost of the speed. Then, you have something like Haskell that is often faster than C in the benchmarks. It's very close to C when it's not faster.

1 Answers

I dunno. I'm not sure you'd want to structure the code-gen phase quite like this in Haskell. But under the assumption that you did, one thing you can do is put your labels in a lazy state monad and tie the knot using mfix.

Here's a complete runnable example of this technique. We'll have a simple AST with just while-loops and statements that don't do anything; and a simple instruction type with just labels, jumps, and statements that don't do anything. Our compiler will maintain the latest-allocated label in some state. Then I guess your question is how to generate "forward" jumps to labels that haven't been allocated yet.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer

data Instruction = Nop | Jump Int | Label Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data AST = While AST AST | Rest               deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
type Compiler = StateT Int (Writer [Instruction])

generateLabel :: Compiler Int
generateLabel = do
    v <- get
    put (v+1)
    tell [Label v]
    return v

compile :: AST -> Compiler ()
compile Rest = tell [Nop]
compile (While b c) = do
    start <- generateLabel
    compile b
    mfix $ \end -> do
        tell [Jump end] -- here we generate a forward jump
        compile c
        tell [Jump start]
        generateLabel   -- here we allocate the label we're forward-jumping to
    return ()

runCompiler :: Compiler () -> [Instruction]
runCompiler = execWriter . flip evalStateT 0

In ghci, try for example runCompiler (compile (While Rest Rest)) for the simplest example.

like image 172
Daniel Wagner Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Daniel Wagner