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How to wrap an already existing function with a new function of the same name

Is it possible to create a wrapper around a function that has the exact same name as the original function?

This would be very useful in circumstances where the user wants to do some additional checks on input variables before they are passed on to the built in function How to interrupt MATLAB IDE when it hangs on displaying very large array?

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slayton Avatar asked Aug 02 '12 16:08


People also ask

How do you wrap a function in another function?

wrap() is used to wrap a function inside other function. It means that the first calling function (a function which is calling another function in its body) is called and then the called function is being executed. If the calling function does not call the called function then the second function will not be executed.

What is wrapping a function?

A wrapper function is a subroutine (another word for a function) in a software library or a computer program whose main purpose is to call a second subroutine or a system call with little or no additional computation.

What is a wrapper function in Matlab?

A wrapper function is a function that mainly calls another function with minimal additional work.

1 Answers

Actually alternatively to slayton's answer you don't need to use openvar. If you define a function with the same name as a matlab function, it will shadow that function (i.e. be called instead).

To then avoid recursively calling your own function, you can call the original function from within the wrapper by using builtin.


outputs = builtin(funcname, inputs..);

Simple example, named rand.m and in the matlab path:

function out = main(varargin)
disp('Test wrapping rand... calling rand now...');
out = builtin('rand', varargin{:});

Note that this only works for functions that are found by builtin. For those that are not, slayton's approach is likely necessary.

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jmetz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09
