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Smooth color plots in Matlab



How do I create smooth color plots in Matlab?

Here is where I am at now. I use the imagesc function and I send you two images. One of them is smoother and better looking and that is because I used denser meshgrid to compute the function. But still, it is discrete looking. How do I make it smooth?

enter image description hereenter image description here

Thank you

like image 376
user2225930 Avatar asked Apr 03 '13 21:04


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1 Answers

Sounds like you need a colormap with more gradation. All the colormap generators accept an argument describing the number of discrete colors to include. Try increasing that number; I think the default is something like 64. For example:


You can increase the number even further if you like, but eventually you'll hit the limits of 24-bit color space.

Incidentally, the human eye is most sensitive to color gradations in blue hues, so another thing you could do is choose an alternate colormap.

like image 72
nhowe Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
