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How to work with Xpath visualiser



I have downloaded XPath Visualizer Version 1.4 folder from http://www.huttar.net/dimitre/XPV/TopXML-XPV.html link compatable to IE .I'm currently using Internet Explorer 8,then opened 'XPathMain.htm' file from the folder that is downloaded and tried to browse 'authors.xml' and gave xpath expression as //* and hit 'process file' button but i didnt get any output. Do i need to configure anything in my browser or include any jscript as such. There is nothing as such mentioned in 'read me' file.

like image 423
User 4.5.5 Avatar asked Jun 13 '12 10:06

User 4.5.5

1 Answers

You can use Xpath Explorer Also check this site for online XPATH evaluator.

If have budget, go for XML SPY.

like image 142
sagaofsilence Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10
