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How to wait for a Redux action to change state from a React component

I'm in a component which has a prop currentLineIndex passed by its parent container and coming from a Redux reducer.

In the same component's function I update currentLineIndex with an action creator and then I want to scroll to the new currentLineIndex. But it's not already updated, so I scroll to the same line.

I've tried using async / await as you'll see but it's not working.

In my component:

const { currentLineIndex, setCurrentLineIndex } = props; // passed by the parent container 

const handlePlaybackEnd = async () => {
  const nextIndex = currentLineIndex + 1;
  // await don't wait until global state / component props gets updated
  await setCurrentLineIndex(nextLineIndex);
  // so when I scroll on next line, I scroll to the same line.

const scrollToCurrentLine = () => {
  const currentLineEl = document.getElementById(currentLineIndex);
  currentLineEl.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', behaviour: 'smooth' });

in actions/index.js:

export function setCurrentLineIndex(index) {
  return { type: SET_CURRENT_LINE_INDEX, payload: index };

in my reducer:

  return {
    currentLineIndex: action.payload,

Action and reducers are working good and my component state is successfully updated, but it's already too late.

I really need to rely on Redux state, not just to pass the currentLineIndex to scrollToCurrentLine(), that would be too easy :)

What would be the best solution to wait until my component state has been updated ?

like image 708
adesurirey Avatar asked Oct 29 '22 23:10


1 Answers

One solution can be to define setCurrentLineIndex such that it receives a callback.

//assuming the parent container is a class
setCurrentLineIndex = (index, cb)=>{
    //write the logic here then execute the callback 

// Then in your child component, you could do something like this 
    setCurrentLineIndex(nextIndex, scrollToCurrentLine)
like image 194
aaKhan Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 12:11
