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How do I tell the custom onSuccess function to stop the upload spinner in Ant Design Upload component?

I have this code:

render() {
    const props = {
      onChange: this.handleChange,
      multiple: true,
      name: 'datafiles[]',
      defaultFileList: this.initialState.fileList,
      listType: "text",
      onSuccess: (resp, file, xhr) => {
        file.status = 'done';
        const newDatafile = {
          filename: file.name,
          s3ObjectKey: `${this.props.userId}/${this.props.datasetId}`,
          filesizeBytes: file.size
        this.props.saveNewDatafile(newDatafile, (saveError, savedJob) => {
            //Yadda yadda
      showUploadList: {
        showPreviewIcon: true,
        showRemoveIcon: true
      customRequest: customRequest

As you can see, I am using the customRequest. If I don't pass the onSuccess function, then the component works properly on success. But when I pass it, the progress bar reaches the end, but it still shows the spinner as if it was still uploading.

pesky spinner before the filename Pesky spinner before the filename

How do I tell the Upload component that the upload finished? I tried with the file.status = 'done' in a sad attempt to fix it, but no luck. I need the custom onSuccess function so I can call the saveNewDatafile function.

like image 707
Tyrannogina Avatar asked Oct 28 '22 23:10


1 Answers

I fixed it by using the onChange function instead of the onSuccess function, and adding a conditional if (file.status === 'done')

like image 120
Tyrannogina Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
