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How to VueJS router-link active style

My page currently has Navigation.vue component. I want to make the each navigation hover and active. The 'hover' works but 'active' doesn't.

This is how Navigation.vue file looks like :

<template>     <div>         <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg fixed-top row">                      <router-link tag="li" class="col" class-active="active" to="/" exact>TIME</router-link>                     <router-link tag="li" class="col" class-active="active" to="/CNN" exact>CNN</router-link>                     <router-link tag="li" class="col" class-active="active" to="/TechCrunch" exact>TechCrunch</router-link>                     <router-link tag="li" class="col" class-active="active" to="/BBCSport" exact>BBC Sport</router-link>         </nav>     </div> </template> 

And the following is the style.

<style>     nav li:hover,    nav li:active{       background-color: indianred;       cursor: pointer;     }  </style> 

This is how hover looks like now and expected exactly same on active. This is how hover looks like now and expected exactly same on active.

I would appreciate if you give me an advice for styling router-link active works. Thanks.

like image 717
doobean Avatar asked Sep 06 '17 19:09


People also ask

How do I set up an active Vue router?

Just add to @Bert's solution to make it more clear: const routes = [ { path: '/foo', component: Foo }, { path: '/bar', component: Bar } ] const router = new VueRouter({ routes, linkExactActiveClass: "active" // active class for *exact* links. })

How do I style a router link in CSS?

Create the header component that contains the navigation links. Then apply the “routerLinkActive” on each router link and provide the CSS class to this property. Here we have created the “active” class in CSS file. Provide the { exact : true } to the root route to avoid multiple active router links.

What is router link in Vuejs?

May 13, 2020. The router-link component creates an <a> tag that's configured to work correctly with Vue router.

1 Answers

The :active pseudo-class is not the same as adding a class to style the element.

The :active CSS pseudo-class represents an element (such as a button) that is being activated by the user. When using a mouse, "activation" typically starts when the mouse button is pressed down and ends when it is released.

What we are looking for is a class, such as .active, which we can use to style the navigation item.

For a clearer example of the difference between :active and .active see the following snippet:

li:active {    background-color: #35495E;  }    li.active {    background-color: #41B883;  }
<ul>    <li>:active (pseudo-class) - Click me!</li>    <li class="active">.active (class)</li>  </ul>


vue-router automatically applies two active classes, .router-link-active and .router-link-exact-active, to the <router-link> component.


This class is applied automatically to the <router-link> component when its target route is matched.

The way this works is by using an inclusive match behavior. For example, <router-link to="/foo"> will get this class applied as long as the current path starts with /foo/ or is /foo.

So, if we had <router-link to="/foo"> and <router-link to="/foo/bar">, both components would get the router-link-active class when the path is /foo/bar.


This class is applied automatically to the <router-link> component when its target route is an exact match. Take into consideration that both classes, router-link-active and router-link-exact-active, will be applied to the component in this case.

Using the same example, if we had <router-link to="/foo"> and <router-link to="/foo/bar">, the router-link-exact-activeclass would only be applied to <router-link to="/foo/bar"> when the path is /foo/bar.

The exact prop

Lets say we have <router-link to="/">, what will happen is that this component will be active for every route. This may not be something that we want, so we can use the exact prop like so: <router-link to="/" exact>. Now the component will only get the active class applied when it is an exact match at /.


We can use these classes to style our element, like so:

 nav li:hover,  nav li.router-link-active,  nav li.router-link-exact-active {    background-color: indianred;    cursor: pointer;  } 

The <router-link> tag was changed using the tag prop, <router-link tag="li" />.

Change default classes globally

If we wish to change the default classes provided by vue-router globally, we can do so by passing some options to the vue-router instance like so:

const router = new VueRouter({   routes,   linkActiveClass: "active",   linkExactActiveClass: "exact-active", }) 

Change default classes per component instance (<router-link>)

If instead we want to change the default classes per <router-link> and not globally, we can do so by using the active-class and exact-active-class attributes like so:

<router-link to="/foo" active-class="active">foo</router-link>  <router-link to="/bar" exact-active-class="exact-active">bar</router-link> 

v-slot API

Vue Router 3.1.0+ offers low level customization through a scoped slot. This comes handy when we wish to style the wrapper element, like a list element <li>, but still keep the navigation logic in the anchor element <a>.

<router-link   to="/foo"   v-slot="{ href, route, navigate, isActive, isExactActive }" >   <li     :class="[isActive && 'router-link-active', isExactActive && 'router-link-exact-active']"   >     <a :href="href" @click="navigate">{{ route.fullPath }}</a>   </li> </router-link> 
like image 133
Ricky Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 00:11
