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How to view github pages at specific commit?

I'm trying to view the documentation of a repository at a specific point in time. Is the github pages url hackable enough that I can specific a specific commit hash?

I can't seem to find any information on the web about this.

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Ronnie Overby Avatar asked May 10 '16 16:05

Ronnie Overby

People also ask

How do I view a specific repository in a commit?

Navigate to the Code tab and make sure master is selected. (If you want to view the state of a repo for a commit on a different branch, use this Branch:master dropwdown button to change to desired branch.) Now scroll all the way down to the original commit.

How do I go to a specific commit in GitHub?

On the main GitHub page of the project click on NNN commits in the top left. You can see the list of commits from the most recent at the top, to older commits below that. You can scroll down and click on "Older" to see older commits.

How do I view my GitHub pages?

To access the page go to username.github.com/projectname . Any change you make to the gh-pages branch will be reflected there. There is also a link published in a repo's Settings > Github Pages.

1 Answers

Once you push your gh-pages branch, old files are replaced by new ones on the static files server. Only one Jekyll build snapshot allowed.

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David Jacquel Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

David Jacquel