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Any way to undelete pull request comments?



Is there any way to restore a deleted comment in a Github pull request?

I can't see anything in the UI that allows you to do so, which would seem bad.

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khoomeister Avatar asked May 14 '14 22:05


People also ask

How do I recover a deleted pull request?

Under your repository name, click Pull requests. Click Closed to see a list of closed pull requests. In the list of pull requests, click the pull request that's associated with the branch that you want to restore. Near the bottom of the pull request, click Restore branch.

How can I see deleted comments on github?

There is currently no way that I know of to revive pull request comments or issue comments. It is a feature that needs to be implemented. If you need this feature desperately, you can email them at [email protected]. They are usually very kind and helpful, and you might have your feature in no time!

Can you still see deleted comments?

A deleted comment is only removed from your view but not exactly deleted from Facebook's system. This is because Facebook has storage on its server for Facebook users where all their previous activities on Facebook are saved. This means you can even delete your entire account and still restore it.

Can you undelete Reddit comments?

You can't “undelete” Reddit posts and comments that you deleted yourself because Reddit doesn't have a restore option. You can only view their archived versions using the tools mentioned above.

1 Answers

There is currently no way that I know of to revive pull request comments or issue comments. It is a feature that needs to be implemented.

If you need this feature desperately, you can email them at [email protected]. They are usually very kind and helpful, and you might have your feature in no time!

In the meantime, just try commenting again.

like image 174
Malcolm Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
