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How to view detailed data of a specific list view item

Let's say i have a list of cities from a country. If the user clicks one of them, i want a new screen to be displayed, with the detailed infos for that list element. Also, that screen will have others buttons ( eg: Write Review, Post Picture )

How can i achieve this ?

like image 770
Cumatru Avatar asked Mar 14 '11 13:03


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How do I search in list view?

This article explains how to search for Item in a ListView. First, you will create an XML file and use an EditText and ListView. The EditText is used to search for an item and the ListView is used to show the list of items. Now you will create a Java file and write code to show an item in a ListView.

Are view that display long list of items?

Android ListView is a view which contains the group of items and displays in a scrollable list. ListView is implemented by importing android. widget.

What is the use of ListView explain list view with example?

Android ListView is a ViewGroup that is used to display the list of items in multiple rows and contains an adapter that automatically inserts the items into the list. The main purpose of the adapter is to fetch data from an array or database and insert each item that placed into the list for the desired result.

1 Answers

The City class should implement Parcelable. Its toString() method should return the name of the city. (Rather than simply having the city as a String.)

When you populate your ListView, use an ArrayAdapter<City> instead of an ArrayAdapter<String> (this code assumes that the cities are kept in List<City> list):

City[] cities = new City[list.size()];
mListView = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.citylist);
mListView.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<City>(this,
    R.layout.listitem, cities));

In your onItemClick handler, get the selected city and add it as an extra on the intent you use to launch your details activity:

mListView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> a,
            View v, int position, long id) {
        City city = (City) a.getItemAtPosition(position);
        Intent intent = new Intent(v.getContext(), DetailsActivity.class);
        intent.putExtra("com.example.cities.City", city);

In your details activity, get the city from the extras on the intent:

Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
City city = bundle.getParcelable("com.example.cities.City");
like image 81
David Conrad Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

David Conrad