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How to view constraints into Ancestor and Descendant in Xcode 11 storyboard?


Storyboard used to show AutoLayout constraints into 2 groups:

  • Sibling & Ancestor Constraints
  • Descendant Constraints

However, from Xcode 11, it shows in Horizontal and Vertical and it hurts my soul.

enter image description here

Is there any way to see the constraints in the old way (Sibling & Ancestor Constraints and Descendant Constraints)?

like image 875
Joey Avatar asked Oct 02 '19 22:10


People also ask

How do you add constraints in storyboard IOS?

Open the Align menu with the yellow button selected and check Horizontally in Container, then click Add 1 Constraint. Now, select both buttons at the same time using the Shift key and, in the Align menu, check Leading Edges. Again, actually install the constraint by clicking Add 1 Constraint.

What does constrain to margins mean in Xcode?

Feb 25, 2015 at 9:01. It is worth it to point out that when adding new constraints, newer versions of Xcode allow you to uncheck a box for "Constrain to Margins" that sets the same "Relative to Margins" flag. This is useful because it saves a few clicks!

What are Xcode constraints?

Most constraints define a relationship between two items in our user interface. These items can represent either views or layout guides. Constraints can also define the relationship between two different attributes of a single item, for example, setting an aspect ratio between an item's height and width.

1 Answers

I can't believe this change. It makes it impossible to work with complex designs. The only solution I can find is to return to Xcode10 when it is necessary to work with the storyboards. So use Xcode11 and Xcode10 together. Thanks Apple..

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Batuhan Altun Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10

Batuhan Altun