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How to validate an ARN before applying an AWS policy?

I have a list of ARNs from numerous accounts in a configuration file that I then build into an S3 bucket policy. But if one of these ARNs is invalid, say arn:aws:iam::12345679012:user/foo-bar, then I will get the following exception when trying to apply a policy that includes that ARN:

lib/aws/core/client.rb:375:in `return_or_raise': Invalid principal in policy (AWS::S3::Errors::MalformedPolicy)

It seems like this could cause problems should any of the ARNs in my file get deleted. Then, I can't append to the existing policy. I'd have to find out which ARN is the "poison pill" and delete it. But the exception message doesn't give that information to me.


  1. Is there a better way to go about managing a host of cross-account ARNs that I don't control?
  2. Is there a way to validate that an ARN exists before applying it to an S3 bucket policy?
like image 225
keian Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 23:11


1 Answers

Your question doesn't specify ruby, so I will show you how I handled this (poorly, I suspect) with the Python Boto3 library.

While trying to update an assumerole policy with a number of ARNs, one or more are invalid. Here is the boto call which produces an error:

  iamClient.update_assume_role_policy(RoleName=curated_role_name, PolicyDocument=json.dumps(assume_role_policy_document))
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
  print (e.response['Error']['Message'])

The results from the above code snippet is:

Invalid principal in policy: "AWS":"arn:aws:iam::42xxxxx:user/idontexist"

I then do a simple RE to extract the bad ARN and then attempt to re-apply my update. If there are still bad ARNs in the list, then I get the next one in the list and remove that. This recurses until the policy is accepted.

I was searching for exactly the same thing you were - an "ARN Validator". I didn't find it, so I had to handle it myself. I thought about checking all the ARNs involved in a separate function, but since it's rare I run into the issue, I didn't want to incur the overhead.

I hope you may find some of this helpful.

Dave O

like image 173
Dave Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
