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How to use XPath to select text with a quote character?

How can I select a xpath that contains a text with ""

Let say my text on the page is: "my text" (this includes the "").

When I make the xpath I do in VS:


But VS doesnt see this as correct because it shows mytext in white as if it doesnt belong to the xpath

It says it is a syntax error and it expects an ','.

So how can I make an xpth that uses an contain where the text has an "".

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xxx2017 Avatar asked Oct 17 '22 19:10


2 Answers

The answer is pretty simple, escape the double quote characters:


This is a reference of what characters need escaping: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/csharpfaq/2004/03/12/what-character-escape-sequences-are-available/

Hope it helps.

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Andrei U Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10

Andrei U

If the context of your XPath is XML, then escape the double quotes with ":


See also: Simplified XML Escaping

If the context of your XPat is not XML, you might try

//td[contains(.,concat('"','mytext', '"', '>'))]

to see if VS is happier with that expression, or set a separate variable for " constant, and build up your XPath piecewise from it.

If that doesn't help in your context, see how to escape single quote in xslt substring function

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kjhughes Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10
