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How to use Word in TOleContainer in TForm properly, layout-wise?

I wonder what is the suggested way to embed and control MS Word in a TForm, layout-wise? Currently, I (1) put two TPanel on TForm. The alBottom TPanel has one TButton, and the alClient TPanel has a alNone TOleContainer. (2) set up the layout in TMainForm.FormCreate event handler.

The problem is MS Word likes to take up all the space of its parent form. Only the fourth way as shown below seems to give acceptable layout. Based on trial-and-error, it seems necessary to use a sub-form instead of TPanel to host TOleContainer. (Also, Windows.SetParent seems necessary.) I wonder whether a sub-form is the correct way to go?

PS: Delphi XE, Word 2010, Windows 7

PS: web pages related to "hosting external applications":

Binh Ly's site

Deborah's site

How to shell to another app and have it appear in a delphi form

TOleContainer Revisited

Open word document in delphi?

Delphi & Word (SimpChn)

PS: web pages related to "Form in Panel (sub-form)":

how to make a transparent form inside Panel?

Delphi - OleContainer - PowerPoint - AutoPlay

FreePascal/Lazarus MultiDoc

TForm in a panel

How to create a delphi form containing multiple 'child' forms that can be moved/sized and show activated

sample code

unit uMainForm;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, OleCtnrs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls;

  TMainForm = class(TForm)
    PanelOle: TPanel;
    PanelBtn: TPanel;
    OleContainer1: TOleContainer;
    Button1: TButton;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  MainForm: TMainForm;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  OleForm: TForm;
//// 1
//  OleContainer1.Parent := PanelOle;
//  OleContainer1.Align := alClient;
//// 2
//  Windows.SetParent(OleContainer1.Handle, PanelOle.Handle);
//  OleContainer1.Align := alClient;
//// 3
//  OleForm := TForm.Create(Self);
//  OleForm.Parent := PanelOle;
//  OleForm.Align := alClient;
//  OleForm.Visible := True;
//  OleContainer1.Parent := OleForm;
//  OleContainer1.Align := alClient;
//// 4 Works!
//  OleForm := TForm.Create(Self);
//  Windows.SetParent(OleForm.Handle, PanelOle.Handle);
//  OleForm.Align := alClient;
//  OleForm.Visible := True;
//  OleContainer1.Parent := OleForm;
//  OleContainer1.Align := alClient;
//// 5
//  OleForm := TForm.Create(Self);
//  OleForm.Parent := PanelOle;
//  OleForm.Align := alClient;
//  OleForm.Visible := True;
//  Windows.SetParent(OleContainer1.Handle,OleForm.Handle);
//  OleContainer1.Align := alClient;
//// 6
//  OleForm := TForm.Create(Self);
//  Windows.SetParent(OleForm.Handle, PanelOle.Handle);
//  OleForm.Align := alClient;
//  OleForm.Visible := True;
//  Windows.SetParent(OleContainer1.Handle,OleForm.Handle);
//  OleContainer1.Align := alClient;


procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
// Declare the item to be a generic OleVariant to force late binding
  Ds: OleVariant;
  D: OleVariant;
  OleContainer1.CreateObjectFromFile('sample.docx', False);


  OleContainer1.AutoActivate := aaManual;
  OleContainer1.DoVerb(ovShow);  // not in FormCreate, in or after FormShow

  Ds := OleContainer1.OleObject.Application.Documents;
  Caption := IntToStr(Ds.Count);

like image 283
SOUser Avatar asked Jul 03 '12 20:07


1 Answers

Subform is a correct way to do it. We used this approach in a production environment and it worked. We hosted our "sub" form in a panel. However, we modified TOleContainer and TOleForm with a flag whether to use the parent form, or the topmost form:

procedure TOurOleContainer.InitObject;
  if FDrawInTopForm then
    DocForm := GetParentForm(Self)
    DocForm := TCustomForm(Parent);

Where FDrawInTopForm is a property we introduced. We also modified:

function GetVCLFrameForm(Form: TCustomForm; DrawInTopForm: Boolean): IVCLFrameForm;
  if Form.OleFormObject = nil then TOleForm.Create(Form, DrawInTopForm); 
  Result := Form.OleFormObject as IVCLFrameForm;

Unfortunately, due to agreements with the customer, I cannot post the complete solution here.

like image 112
Nick Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 23:10
