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How To Use Watch/Hot Reloading in Aurelia With Webpack In Visual Studio Project?

I have an Aurelia application based off of the Webpack TypeScript Skeleton.

My Aurelia app is inside of a .NET application, inside of a sub controller which renders a main layout template where I include my Aurelia goodness (tag on body and scripts). I want to use the watch/hot reloading capabilities of Webpack, but I am not using the standard index.html approach.

What are my options here? Is there a way I can proxy the watcher through to my running application?

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Dwayne Charrington Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 06:10

Dwayne Charrington

1 Answers

If you are using .NET Core and not the full .NET framework then you can have a look at .NET Core JavaScript Services. These integrate WebPack in the ASP.NET pipeline. The samples provided do not include Aurelia however, but I have made a sample based on the mentioned skeleton that works with JavaScript services here.

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Arjen de Blok Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10

Arjen de Blok