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How to use $this in closure in php


I have function like this:

class Service {     function delete_user($username) {            ...         $sessions = $this->config->sessions;         $this->config->sessions = array_filter($sessions, function($session) use ($this){             return $this->get_username($session->token) != $username;         });     } } 

but this don't work because you can't use $this inside use, is it possible to execute function which is member of class Service inside a callback? Or do I need to use for or foreach loop?

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jcubic Avatar asked Jun 11 '17 09:06


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Basically a closure in PHP is a function that can be created without a specified name - an anonymous function. Here's a closure function created as the second parameter of array_walk() . By specifying the $v parameter as a reference one can modify each value in the original array through the closure function.

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Yes, use a closure: functionName($someArgument, function() use(&$variable) { $variable = "something"; }); Note that in order for you to be able to modify $variable and retrieve the modified value outside of the scope of the anonymous function, it must be referenced in the closure using & . It's new!

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A closure is an anonymous function that can access variables imported from the outside scope without using any global variables. Theoretically, a closure is a function with some arguments closed (e.g. fixed) by the environment when it is defined. Closures can work around variable scope restrictions in a clean way.

What are closures in PHP and how to use them?

Closures have been introduced in PHP 5.3 and their most important use is for callback functions. Basically a closure in PHP is a function that can be created without a specified name - an anonymous function. Here's a closure function created as the second parameter of array_walk ().

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It's possible for multiple functions to share the same closure, and they can have access to multiple closures as long as they are within their accessible scope. In PHP, a closure is a callable class, to which you've bound your parameters manually.

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Well, closure is nothing but an object representation of anonymous function. It is the object-oriented way to use anonymous function. More interestingly, the above anonymous function example we just saw, actually returns a reference of Closure object, not only a function reference.

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In JavaScript, a closure can be thought of as a scope, when you define a function, it silently inherits the scope it's defined in, which is called its closure, and it retains that no matter where it's used.

1 Answers

$this is always available in (non-static) closures since PHP 5.4, no need to use it.

class Service {     function delete_user($username) {            ...         $sessions = $this->config->sessions;         $this->config->sessions = array_filter($sessions, function($session) {             return $this->get_username($session->token) != $username;         });     } } 

See PHP manual - Anonymous functions - Automatic binding of $this

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ShiraNai7 Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 15:10
