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How to use the ORMLite query builder to get the total records in a table


Similar to

select count(*) from tablename;

what should be query in ORMLITE

i tried something like

int total = dao.queryBuilder().("select count(*)");
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Sourabh Saldi Avatar asked Sep 04 '12 09:09

Sourabh Saldi

2 Answers

How to use the ORMLite query builder to get the total records in a table

ORMLite has a Dao.countOf() method that returns the total number of rows in a table:

long numRows = dao.countOf();

You can also count the number of rows in a custom query by calling the countOf() method on the Where or QueryBuilder object.

// count the number of lines in this custom query
long numRows = dao.queryBuilder().where().eq("name", "Joe Smith").countOf();
like image 120
Gray Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10


for package 5: you can use countOf()

From the docs:

Returns the value returned from a SELECT COUNT(*) query which is the number of rows in the table. Depending on the database and the size of the table, this could be expensive.

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PoeHaH Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10
