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Get the nth element from the inner list of a list of lists in Python [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate:
First items in inner list efficiently as possible

Lets say I have:

a = [ [1,2], [2,9], [3,7] ] 

I want to retrieve the first element of each of the inner lists:

b = [1,2,3] 

Without having to do this (my current hack):

for inner in a:     b.append(inner[0]) 

I'm sure there's a one liner for it but I don't really know what i'm looking for.

like image 447
jsj Avatar asked Nov 02 '12 02:11


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Approach #2 : Using zip and unpacking(*) operator This method uses zip with * or unpacking operator which passes all the items inside the 'lst' as arguments to zip function. Thus, all the first element will become the first tuple of the zipped list. Returning the 0th element will thus, solve the purpose.

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1 Answers

Simply change your list comp to be:

b = [el[0] for el in a] 


from operator import itemgetter b = map(itemgetter(0), a) 

Or, if you're dealing with "proper arrays":

import numpy as np a = [ [1,2], [2,9], [3,7] ] na = np.array(a) print na[:,0] # array([1, 2, 3]) 

And zip:

print zip(*a)[0] 
like image 179
Jon Clements Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10

Jon Clements