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How to use the metadata file (saml2)



I am working on a project that needs to be integrating SAML2.0. I was thrown into this project suddenly, i need to make it work. Here is the background: We have created the files and wanted Client Company to integrate using SAML2 to get to our web site. We have sent them the meta datafile.

Now the client company had sent their metadata file. I dont know how and what to do with that file. Any help will be appreciated.

ASP.NET, Framework 4.0

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user1621009 Avatar asked Nov 08 '12 18:11


1 Answers

The metadata file basically provides you information of your client. Such as entityID, credential, and so on. If it is an IdP then it also contain couple URLs so that you know where to send different request, e.g. login request, attribute query request. You need to give this metadata to your SAML component so that it know which client it should talk to.

Another main purpose is to establish a trust relationship between SP and IdP.

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performanceuser Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10
