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How to use the context manager to avoid the use of __del__ in python?

As it is common knowledge, the python __del__ method should not be used to clean up important things, as it is not guaranteed this method gets called. The alternative is the use of a context manager, as described in several threads.

But I do not quite understand how to rewrite a class to use a context manager. To elaborate, I have a simple (non-working) example in which a wrapper class opens and closes a device, and which shall close the device in any case the instance of the class gets out of its scope (exception etc).

The first file mydevice.py is a standard wrapper class to open and close a device:

class MyWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, device):
        self.device = device

    def open(self):

    def close(self):

    def __del__(self):

this class is used by another class myclass.py:

import mydevice

class MyClass(object):

    def __init__(self, device):

        # calls open in mydevice
        self.mydevice = mydevice.MyWrapper(device)

    def processing(self, value):
        if not value:

My question: When I implement the context manager in mydevice.py with __enter__ and __exit__ methods, how can this class be handled in myclass.py? I need to do something like

def __init__(self, device):
    with mydevice.MyWrapper(device):

but how to handle it then? Maybe I overlooked something important? Or can I use a context manager only within a function and not as a variable inside a class scope?

like image 976
Alex Avatar asked Mar 15 '13 08:03


1 Answers

I suggest using the contextlib.contextmanager class instead of writing a class that implements __enter__ and __exit__. Here's how it would work:

class MyWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, device):
        self.device = device

    def open(self):

    def close(self):

    # I assume your device has a blink command
    def blink(self):
        # do something useful with self.device
        self.device.send_command(CMD_BLINK, 100)

    # there is no __del__ method, as long as you conscientiously use the wrapper

import contextlib

def open_device(device):
    wrapper_object = MyWrapper(device)
        yield wrapper_object

with open_device(device) as wrapper_object:
     # do something useful with wrapper_object

The line that starts with an at sign is called a decorator. It modifies the function declaration on the next line.

When the with statement is encountered, the open_device() function will execute up to the yield statement. The value in the yield statement is returned in the variable that's the target of the optional as clause, in this case, wrapper_object. You can use that value like a normal Python object thereafter. When control exits from the block by any path – including throwing exceptions – the remaining body of the open_device function will execute.

I'm not sure if (a) your wrapper class is adding functionality to a lower-level API, or (b) if it's only something you're including so you can have a context manager. If (b), then you can probably dispense with it entirely, since contextlib takes care of that for you. Here's what your code might look like then:

import contextlib

def open_device(device):
        yield device

with open_device(device) as device:
     # do something useful with device
     device.send_command(CMD_BLINK, 100)

99% of context manager uses can be done with contextlib.contextmanager. It is an extremely useful API class (and the way it's implemented is also a creative use of lower-level Python plumbing, if you care about such things).

like image 142
picomancer Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10
