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how to use svm in Weka Classsifier?




I am trying to use SVM classifier in Weka. I downloaded weka-3-7-13 version. When i click on the classifier tab, SVM is not in the list.

How to use SVM in this tool? Please help me to overcome this problem.

like image 786
AnnRose Avatar asked Dec 28 '15 06:12


1 Answers

In Weka (GUI) go to Tools -> PackageManager and install LibSVM/LibLinear (both are SVM).

One more implementation of SVM is 'SMO' which is in Classify -> Classifier -> Functions. (if not listed then install as mentioned above)

Alternatively you can use .jar files of these algorithms and use through your java code.

like image 173
Arif Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10
