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How to use slim for mailer text template

I am using slim as the template engine for my rails app and would like to use slim for mailer templates as well.

There is no problem with html mailer templates (views/mailer/default_email.en.html.slim) but, I am not sure how to make the text templates work.

I have placed a text template in views/mailer/default_email.en.text.slim with this content:


Your video is ready.
= @url

Thank you,
The A-Team

But the result is parsed as slim HTML, and looks like this:

<Hello>,</Hello><Your>video is ready.</Your><Click>the link below to watch it:</Click>http://watch.thy/video<Thank>you,</Thank><The>A-Team</The>

Other than prefixing every line with a pipe, isnt there a more natural way? I even looked for an embedded plugin (like the markdown one) to say "plain text" but there is none.

Thanks in advance.

like image 791
DannyB Avatar asked Jan 03 '16 11:01


People also ask

What is slim template?

Slim is a template language whose goal is to reduce the view syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic. It started as an exercise to see how much could be removed from a standard html template (<, >, closing tags, etc...).

What is slim HTML?

Slim is a page-templating language that minimizes markup and syntax. It removes most of the extra "programming-like" symbols from HTML so that your code looks cleaner. Slim also adds if-else statements, loops, includes, and more. These let you build complex pages without resorting to server-side languages like PHP.

2 Answers

Slim was designed to generate HTML, not plain text, so you'll have to either use the pipe prefix for each line or go with .text.erb templates. I'd use the ERB templates, especially if you don't have a lot of interpolation going on.

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eugen Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 11:10


For what it's worth, you can actually go the Slim route without having to prefix each line with a pipe, like so:

  Your video is ready.<br>
  Thank you,<br>
  The A-Team

I would definitely agree with eugen though, that the text.erb route is the best fit. Just providing another solution, in case somebody absolutely insisted on doing this in Slim. :-)

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jeffdill2 Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 11:10
