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How to use RunOnUIThread() in Xamarin Android

I would like to run this statement after getting result into OStateUserId object.

details.Text = OStateUserID.name + "\n" + OStateUserID.population);

bStateuserID.Click +=  async delegate 
    details.Text=" ";
    Guid x = new Guid("33F8A8D5-0DF2-47A0-9C79-002351A95F88");
    state OStateUserID =(state) await obj.GetStateByUserId(x.ToString());
    details.Text = OStateUserID.name + "\n" + OStateUserID.population);

GetStateByUserId() method returns an object of class State.

It runs asynchronously. After completing operation, I'd like to assign the name and population to the TextView details.

How can i use RunOnUIThread() in this case?

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Suraj Avatar asked Dec 23 '13 10:12


2 Answers

I'm not sure how you could have missed it, since you have the proper function name. Anyway, you could do it with lambda expression :

Activity.RunOnUiThread(() => {
    details.Text = OStateUserID.name + "\n" + OStateUserID.population;

Or you could create a method for it


private void Action() 
    details.Text = OStateUserID.name + "\n" + OStateUserID.population;

In the latter case, you would have to store variables in private fields if it wasn't the case already. In the first case, it will work if the variables are in the same scope as the RunOnUiThread call.

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ForceMagic Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 22:11


You don't need to.

In this code you posted:

bStateuserID.Click +=  async delegate 
    details.Text=" ";
    Guid x = new Guid("33F8A8D5-0DF2-47A0-9C79-002351A95F88");
    state OStateUserID =(state) await obj.GetStateByUserId(x.ToString());
    details.Text = OStateUserID.name + "\n" + OStateUserID.population);

The line

details.Text = OStateUserID.name + "\n" + OStateUserID.population);

is already running on the UI thread.

I have an async intro on my blog that explains this behavior.

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Stephen Cleary Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 23:11

Stephen Cleary