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How to use `replace` of directive definition?

In this document: http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive , it says that there is a replace configuration for directives:

template - replace the current element with the contents of the HTML. The replacement process migrates all of the attributes / classes from the old element to the new one. See the Creating Components section below for more information.

javascript code

app.directive('myd1', function(){   return {     template: '<span>directive template1</span>',     replace: true   } });  app.directive('myd2', function(){   return {     template: '<span>directive template2</span>',     replace: false   } }); 

html code

<div myd1>   original content should be replaced </div> <div myd2>   original content should NOT be replaced </div> 

But the final page is looking like:

directive template1 directive template2 

It seems the replace doesn't work. Do I miss anything?

Live demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/rGIgmjO81X2UxJohL4HM?p=preview

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Freewind Avatar asked Mar 08 '13 02:03


People also ask

Which directive definition option is used to replace the current element?

In this document: http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive , it says that there is a replace configuration for directives: template - replace the current element with the contents of the HTML. The replacement process migrates all of the attributes / classes from the old element to the new one.

What is replace in AngularJS directive?

AngularJS Directive's replace option can be used to replace the container element itself by directive content. By default, the directive content inserted as the child of the element directive is applied on. But using replace, that container element altogether can be replaced by directive's actual content HTML.

What is the purpose of directives?

At the core, a directive is a function that executes whenever the Angular compiler finds it in the DOM. Angular directives are used to extend the power of the HTML by giving it new syntax. Each directive has a name — either one from the Angular predefined like ng-repeat , or a custom one which can be called anything.

1 Answers

You are getting confused with transclude: true, which would append the inner content.

replace: true means that the content of the directive template will replace the element that the directive is declared on, in this case the <div myd1> tag.


For example without replace:true

<div myd1><span class="replaced" myd1="">directive template1</span></div> 

and with replace:true

<span class="replaced" myd1="">directive template1</span> 

As you can see in the latter example, the div tag is indeed replaced.

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checketts Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09
