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ChartJS Line Charts - remove color underneath lines

Okay, so I have a ChartJS line chart working that populates directly from data coming for my db. What I need now is to get rid of the color underneath each of the lines. [as seen in the screenshot below].

Example of Graph

Here's my HTML:

<div ng-if="hasData">     <canvas id="line" class="chart chart-line" data="data" labels="labels" legend="true" series="series" options="options" click="onClick"></canvas> <div> 

Here's My JS:

            scope.labels = ['02:00','04:00','06:00', '08:00', '10:00', '12:00','14:00', '16:00', '18:00', '20:00', '22:00'];             scope.series = series;             scope.data = [volumesSelectedDate, volumesPeakDate, volumesModelCapacity];                                                       scope.options = {                 scaleOverride: true,                 scaleStartValue: 0,                 scaleSteps: 11,                 scaleStepWidth: 6910,             }                          scope.loadingDailyAppVolumes = false;             scope.hasData = true;                                   };         scope.onClick = function (points, evt) {             //console.log(points, evt);         };      

So, how would I go about this? Also, how would I go about manually setting the color for each line?


selected date: blue, peak date: yellow, model capacity: grey.


like image 995
Manus Gallagher Avatar asked Jul 06 '16 10:07

Manus Gallagher

People also ask

How do you change the color of a line in ChartJS?

We can use the borderColor property of the dataset to change the color of the line that exists in a line chart. You can assign a color to it in hex or RGBA format. It will take the color and apply it to the lines of a chart created using Chart.

How do I remove a dot in ChartJS?

You can set the pointRadius to zero.

2 Answers

Check this section on the Chart.js docs. Set the fill property to false within your dataset configuration:

var data = {     labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],     datasets: [{         label: "My First dataset",         fill: false,         data: [1, 2, 3]     }] }; 

Specify an array to the borderColor property if you want each line to have a different stroke color:

var myColors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']; // Define your colors  var data = {     labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],     datasets: [{         label: "My First dataset",         fill: false,         borderColor: myColors         data: [1, 2, 3]     }] }; 
like image 164
JasonK Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 23:09


Below solution was working when integrated chart js with Angular

$scope.options = {                     scales: {                       yAxes: [                         {                           id: 'y-axis-1',                           type: 'linear',                           display: true,                           position: 'left'                         }                       ]                     },                     elements: {                         line: {                                 fill: false                         }                     }                 };  <canvas id="" class="col-sm-12 chart chart-line" chart-data="data"                             chart-options="options" chart-colors="colors"> </canvas> 
like image 44
akshat thakar Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

akshat thakar