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How to use $ref in swagger file properly while working with swagger-ui-express and swagger-jsdoc

I started to use swagger with swagger-ui-express and swagger-jsdoc to auto document my existing API, which is written with nodejs and express (like described here - example).

I came across a problem when I tried to add a $ref to an existing JSON Schema file (that sits inside my project on the same directory as all my js files) on my annotation.

My directory looks like this

I tried to write the local path (./schema.json) and the absolute path, tried to use #, using many syntaxes and nothing worked.

My annotation looks like this:

 * @swagger
 * /testing:
 *    get:
 *      description: This should show the json schema
 *      responses:
 *          200:
 *              description: "successful operation"
 *              schema:
 *                 $ref: "./schema.json"

I expected the swagger ui to show me the JSON schema in my request section by. I get the following error -

Resolver error at paths./testing.get.responses.200.schema.$ref
Could not resolve reference: Tried to resolve a relative URL, without having a basePath. path: './schema.json' basePath: 'undefined'.

I looked the problem up online and couldn’t find any clear answer. I saw a solution that suggested I should put my schema on a server and access it with an URL address but I prefer not to do it on this point.

Also, at some point, I saved the scheme in a variable and then put it in the $ref and it worked fine. The only problem was that the scheme included some inner refs to an element in the same file and Swagger couldn't resolve them.

Is there a way to work properly with $ref in swagger-ui-express?

like image 373
Liza Talis Avatar asked Dec 29 '18 10:12

Liza Talis

People also ask

How does express integrate with swagger?

Run the URL in the browser Now you can do the npm start in the terminal to your app and it will navigate to the browser we have to add the /api-docs at the end of the URL so that i will navigate to the swagger which we have configured and you will see the Swagger UI based on your generated swagger. json.

What is swagger UI Express?

This module allows you to serve auto-generated swagger-ui generated API docs from express, based on a swagger. json file. The result is living documentation for your API hosted from your API server via a route.

1 Answers

Is there a way to work properly with $ref in swagger-ui-express?

Yes, there is, you have to resolve references in your YAML files by your self first, and provide result to Swagger UI then. You can do it with json-refs and yamljs libraries.

Here is the code snippet below shows you how you can do it:

const yamljs = require('yamljs');
const { resolveRefs } = require('json-refs');

 * Return JSON with resolved references
 * @param {array | object} root - The structure to find JSON References within (Swagger spec)
 * @returns {Promise.<JSON>}
const multiFileSwagger = (root) => {
  const options = {
    filter: ["relative", "remote"],
    loaderOptions: {
      processContent: function (res, callback) {
        callback(null, yamljs.parse(res.text));

  return resolveRefs(root, options).then(
    function (results) {
      return results.resolved;
    function (err) {

const swaggerDocument = await multiFileSwagger(
  yamljs.load(path.resolve(__dirname, "./openapi/v1.yaml"))

You can also check the repo with full example how this solution works with swagger-ui-express: https://github.com/chuve/swagger-multi-file-spec

like image 184
chuve Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
