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How to use React.memo with react-redux connect?

Does anyone know how to wrap a React component with React.memo when one is using the connect function from react-redux?

For example, how would you modify the following?

let Button = (props: Props) => (   <button onClick={props.click}>{props.value}</button> );  Button = connect(   mapStateToProps,   mapDispatchToProps )(Button); 

I've tried:

let Button = React.memo((props: Props) => (   <button onClick={props.click}>{props.value}</button> ));  Button = connect(   mapStateToProps,   mapDispatchToProps )(Button); 

However, the function returned by connect expects a component to be passed so it errors with:

Uncaught Error: You must pass a component to the function returned by connect. Instead received {"compare":null}

like image 682
Ryc Avatar asked Oct 25 '18 21:10


People also ask

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memo within many HOC would be to be the closest to the component itself : the goal of React. memo is to check if all the new props received by the component are the same as the last props. If any HOC transforms or adds any props to the component - which connect does by mapping the Redux store to the props, React.

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The connect() function connects a React component to a Redux store. It provides its connected component with the pieces of the data it needs from the store, and the functions it can use to dispatch actions to the store.

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React Redux recently released version 7.1, which includes long awaited support for React Hooks. This means that you can now ditch the connect higher-order component and use Redux with Hooks in your function components.

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1 Answers

React.memo is nothing but a HOC, so you can just use:

Without memo:

connect(   mapStateToProps,   mapDispatchToProps )(Button); 

With memo:

connect(   mapStateToProps,   mapDispatchToProps )(React.memo(Button)); 

And even wrap to connect: (This should be the solution with connect)

React.memo(   connect(     mapStateToProps,     mapDispatchToProps   )(Button) ); 

Like we do with withRouter: withRouter(connect(...)())

like image 171
Bhojendra Rauniyar Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09

Bhojendra Rauniyar