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How can I sandbox untrusted user-submitted JavaScript content?

I need to serve user-submitted scripts on my site (sort of like jsfiddle). I want the scripts to run on visitors browsers in a safe manner, isolated from the page they are served on. Since the code is submitted by users, there is no guarantee it is trustworthy.

Right now I can think of three options:

  • Serve the user-submitted content in an iframe from a different domain, and rely on the same-origin policy. This would require setting up an additional domain which I'd like to avoid if possible. I believe this is how jsfiddle does it. The script can still do some damage, changing top.location.href for example, which is less than ideal. http://jsfiddle.net/PzkUw/
  • Use the sandbox attribute. I suspect this is not well supported across browsers.
  • Sanitize the scripts before serving them. I would rather not go there.

Are there any other solutions, or recommendations on the above?


If, as I suspect, the first option is the best solution, what can a malicious script do other than change the top window location, and how can I prevent this? I can manipulate or reject certain scripts based on static code analysis but this is hard given the number of ways objects can be accessed and the difficulty analysing javascript statically in general. At the very least, it would require a full-blown parser and a number of complex rules (some, but I suspect not all, of which are present in JSLint).

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Flash Avatar asked Aug 31 '12 05:08


1 Answers

Create a well defined message interface and use JavaScript Web Worker for the code you want to sandbox. HTML5 Web Workers

Web Workers do not have access to the following DOM objects.

  • The window object

  • The document object

  • The parent object

So they can't redirect your page or alter data on it.

You can create a template and a well defined messaging interface so that users can create web worker scripts, but your script would have the final say on what gets manipulated.

EDIT Comment by Jordan Gray plugging a JavaScript library that seems to do what I described above. https://github.com/eligrey/jsandbox

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Louis Ricci Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Louis Ricci