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how to use react-native-web and react-navigation together and access from web url


react-navigation web support is done. follow this: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/en/web-support.html


I try to share my code between react-native and web. when I try react-native-web, it works well. but there is only one question, how to access the specific screen from URL? I read the react-navigation docs, there nothing about that. and react-router-native can catch the web URL, but it has navigator likes StackNavigator/DrawerNavigator. and idea about that?

like image 863
GeminiYellow Avatar asked Mar 09 '18 04:03


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React and React Native help bring web and mobile development closer together to improve both user and developer experiences. Some teams go as far as building a full cross-platform Design System with React and React Native (video tutorial).

How do you use navigation in React Native web?

The way navigationOptions is added inside the screen class similarly you can also add title . export default class Feed extends React. Component { static navigationOptions = { title: "Feed" } static path = "feed"; render() { ... For the profile screen, you can keep the path as empty static path = "" .

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"React Native for Web" makes it possible to run React Native components and APIs on the web using React DOM. This approach allows you to reuse most of React Navigation on the web because React Native for Web maps React Native primitives like View , Text , and others to their equivalents on the web.

1 Answers

I'm not sure what the case was at the time you posted this question, but you definitely can use react-navigation with web now adays.

Now with Linking we can Handle deep links in React Native apps on Android and iOS, plus Enable URL integration in browser when using on web.

The NavigationContainer component takes in a linking prop which allows you to map out your routes.

     const linking = {       prefixes: ['https://mychat.com', 'mychat://'],       config: {         screens: {           Chat: 'feed/:sort',           Profile: 'user',         },       },     };       function App() {       return (         <NavigationContainer linking={linking} fallback={<Text>Loading...</Text>}>           {/* content */}         </NavigationContainer>       );     }  

Once we establish what all of the routes or "links" are in our app we can start using Link components to navigate just like in a normal react web application if you used react-router-dom.

    import { Link } from '@react-navigation/native';  // ...     function Home() {      return <Link to="/profile/jane">Go to Jane's profile</Link>;    }  

These link components should work on both mobile, and web versions.




like image 196
Slamerz Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
