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Reload app in iOS simulator using Command-R not working

I am using TabBarIOS component in React native. If I press Command-R, the reload of the app is not happening. I use the "Shake Gesture" to show the menu and then click Reload on the context menu to reload the app.

Is there a way to get Command-R to work with TabBarIOS component in React native?

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vijayst Avatar asked Oct 09 '16 03:10


People also ask

How do you restart an app on iPhone Simulator?

For closing (not quit) the running application in Simulator the keyboard shortcut is "shift+command+h".

How do I refresh iOS emulator?

Selecting Reload (or pressing ⌘ + r in the iOS simulator) will reload the JavaScript that powers your application.

1 Answers

When I had this problem, I had it from the beginning so it probably wasn't due to a specific component. However, it might work for you, too:

With the iOS Simulator in focus, select the menu item Hardware > Keyboard > Send Menu Keyboard Shortcuts to Device.

In addition, I use the Colemak keyboard layout and found that after making the selection above I also had to use the R as printed on my keyboard keys for the + R command instead of the one I would use based on the Colemak layout.

like image 156
J.D. Sandifer Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 12:10

J.D. Sandifer