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How to use pointfree style in JavaScript without losing readability?


When I tried to write JavaScript in pointfree style, I found that if you forced every function in this style, you sometimes lost its readabilty. For example:

import R from 'ramda'

const ceil = Math.ceil

const pagination = {
  total: 101,
  itemsPerPage: 10,
  currentPage: 1

// ================= Pointful style ==================
const pageCount = (pagination) => {
  const pages = ceil(pagination.total / pagination.itemsPerPage)
  const remainPages = pagination.total % pagination.itemsPerPage === 0 ? 0 : 1
  return pages + remainPages

pageCount(pagination) // => 11

// ================ Pointfree style ==================
const getPages = R.pipe(
  R.converge(R.divide, [R.prop('total'), R.prop('itemsPerPage')]),

const getRemainPages = R.ifElse(
     R.converge(R.modulo, [R.prop('total'), R.prop('itemsPerPage')]),

const pageCount2 = R.converge(R.add, [

pageCount2(pagination) // => 11

I wrote a simple pagination module to calculate the pageCount of giving total items count and items count per page in pointful style and pointfree style. Apparently the pointful style is much more readable than the pointfree style version. The latter is kind of obscure.

Am I doing it right? Is there any way to make the code in pointfree style more readable?