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How to use on addEventListener on radio button in Plain Javascript?

How can i attach event listener on a radio button in my html? Considering this form:

    <input name="contract_duration" type="radio" value="6-Months" {{ $contract && $contract->contract_duration === '6-Months' ? 'checked' : ''  }} />

    <input name="contract_duration" type="radio" value="1-Year" {{ $contract && $contract->contract_duration === '1-Year' ? 'checked' : ''  }} />

    <input name="contract_duration" type="radio" value="2-Years" {{ $contract && $contract->contract_duration === '2-Years' ? 'checked' : ''  }} />

and this is my Javascript:

    document.querySelector('input[name="contract_duration"]').addEventListener("click", function(){
        var item = document.querySelector('input[name="contract_duration"]').value;

during execution, my codes only log the first one, which is the 6-Months others if click shows nothing.

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Anirudh Lou Avatar asked Oct 29 '19 10:10

Anirudh Lou

People also ask

Can you add event listener to a radio button?

To attach event listener to a radio button with JavaScript, we can loop through each radio button and set its onclick property. to add a form with radio buttons. to select the radio buttons with querySelectorAll . Then we loop through them with a for-of loop.

Does Onclick work with radio buttons?

Radio buttons respond to both onchange and onclick events in JavaScript.

Does radio button have Onchange?

Yes there is no change event for currently selected radio button.

3 Answers

The querySelector function only returns the first element of all the ones matched by the selector - hence your problem. You need to use querySelectorAll instead. This will return all the matched elements - and then you can loop through them to add an event listener to each.

Also, best practice in this scenario would be to listen to the "change" event rather than "click", then it doesn't fire unnecessarily when the user clicks an already-selected radio.


if (document.querySelector('input[name="contract_duration"]')) {
  document.querySelectorAll('input[name="contract_duration"]').forEach((elem) => {
    elem.addEventListener("change", function(event) {
      var item = event.target.value;
    <input name="contract_duration" type="radio" value="6-Months" checked />

    <input name="contract_duration" type="radio" value="1-Year" />

    <input name="contract_duration" type="radio" value="2-Years" />
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ADyson Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10


You need to use querySelectorAll instead, which returns a list of elements.

And the change event will run only for a chosen radio.

let contact = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="contract_duration"]');
                                  // or '.your_radio_class_name'

for (let i = 0; i < contact.length; i++) {
  contact[i].addEventListener("change", function() {
    let val = this.value; // this == the clicked radio,
label {
  display: block;
  <input name="contract_duration" type="radio" value="6-Months"/>

  <input name="contract_duration" type="radio" value="1-Year"/>

  <input name="contract_duration" type="radio" value="2-Years"/>
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OPTIMUS PRIME Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10


The problem with your code is that querySelector only returns the first matched element. If you want the event listener on all of them, you should use querySelectorAll and loop through the elements.

Like this:

    document.querySelectorAll('input[name="contract_duration"]').forEach((elem) => {
        elem.addEventListener("click", function(event){
            var item = event.target.value;
like image 1
Ayrton Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
