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Sending API calls in batches

I'm currently trying to simulate half a million IoT devices to push payload to Azure IoT Hub using nodejs. Since node is multi-threaded in nature, its flooding iot hub with data and i am getting network errors.

I also tried async/await method but that is taking a lot of time to push data to IoT Hub.

Is there a way to only run 100 calls in parallel, wait for all of them to complete and then run the next 100 in node?

Much appreciated!

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Syed Ahmed Avatar asked Jan 25 '19 05:01

Syed Ahmed

People also ask

Can we call API in batch?

Batch calls allow API applications to make multiple API calls within a single API call. In addition, each call can be tied to a different access_token meaning batch API calls work with multiple users. Batch calls allow your platform to accomplish more API interaction with less traffic, thus avoiding throttle limits.

What is batching in API?

A batch request is a single standard HTTP request containing multiple Classroom API calls, using the multipart/mixed content type. Within that main HTTP request, each of the parts contains a nested HTTP request. Each part begins with its own Content-Type: application/http HTTP header.

How do I send a batch request?

A batch request consists of multiple API calls combined into one HTTP request, which can be sent to the batchPath specified in the API discovery document. The default path is /batch/ api_name / api_version . This section describes the batch syntax in detail; later, there's an example.

4 Answers

Build your batches as a nested array of Promises, then use Promise.all on each batch in a loop that awaits for each Promise.all to resolve.

// This is a mock request function, could be a `request` call 
// or a database query; whatever it is, it MUST return a Promise.
const sendRequest = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log('request sent')
    }, 1000)

// 5 batches * 2 requests = 10 requests.
const batches = Array(5).fill(Array(2).fill(sendRequest))

;(async function() {
  for (const batch of batches) {
    try {
      console.log('-- sending batch --')
      await Promise.all(batch.map(f => f()))  
    } catch(err) {
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nicholaswmin Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10


You can readily use bluebird Promise's map with concurrency option. This processes the max records as mentioned in the concurrency, before picking up the next batch. example :

Promise.map([], {concurrency : 100})

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Sushim Mukul Dutta Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10

Sushim Mukul Dutta

If you are using lodash you can make it a bit easier by using chunk which will divide an array into chunks of provided max size

So in your case you can use it like this

variable calls (array of 550 lets say)

const batchCalls = _.chunk(calls, 100);

for (const batchCall of batchCalls) {
  await Promise.all(batchCall.map(call => call())) // makes a hundred calls in series
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Vootla Chaitanya Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10

Vootla Chaitanya

limited-request-queue could be used to queue the request. There are options to set the Maximum number of connections at any given time. Below is the code we used to send 5 request every second. Also there will only be 5 request sent at any given time.


   Request passed to Targer App (5 requests per seconds) 
   Get the response for each request and passed the response to Source App
   maxSockets: The maximum number of connections allowed at any given time. A value of 0 will prevent anything from going out. A value of Infinity will provide no concurrency limiting.
   maxSocketsPerHost:The maximum number of connections per host allowed at any given time. A value of 0 will prevent anything from going out. A value of Infinity will provide no per-host concurrency limiting.
   rateLimit: The number of milliseconds to wait before each maxSocketsPerHost
var queue1 = new RequestQueue({'maxSockets': 5, 'maxSocketsPerHost': 5, 'rateLimit': 1000}, {
  item: function(input, done) {
      request(input.url, function(error, response) {
  end: function() {
      console.log("Queue  1 completed!");

//To queue request - A for loop could be used to send multiple request
queue1.enqueue({'url': ''});
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Shriram Manoharan Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10

Shriram Manoharan