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How to use modelMapper to convert nested classes

I have a simple class that I want to map to a DTO class using modelMapper.

class Source {

    private String name;
    private String address;
    List<Thing> things;

    // getters and setters follows

    class Thing {

    private String thingCode;
    private String thingDescription;

    // getters and setters

and I want to convert these to a sourceDTO that contains a list of ThingDTOs, for example

class sourceDTO {

    private String name;
    private String address;
    List<ThingDTO> things;

    // getters and setters.

     class ThingDTO {

    private String thingCode;
    private String thingDescription;

    // getters and setters

If I drop my list of Things and list of ThingsDTO then modelmapper is a delight to use,

 modelMapper.map(source, SourceDTO.class);

But I can't work out how to get the mapper to convert the List of Things to List of ThingDTOs. From the documentation, I think I need to create a mapper class that extends PropertyMap but I can't work out how to configure it.

Any pointers to the relevant documentation would be welcome

like image 999
user497087 Avatar asked Apr 19 '16 11:04


People also ask

How does ModelMapper work in Java?

ModelMapper consists of two separate processes: the matching process, where a source and destination type's properties are matched to each other, and the mapping process where matched property values are converted from a source to destination object. A further description of these processes follows.

How do you use a model mapper converter?

The first is by adding the converter to a ModelMapper: modelMapper. addConverter(personConverter); This, in turn, sets the converter against the TypeMap corresponding to the source and destination types Person and PersonDTO .

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The goal of ModelMapper is to make object mapping easy by automatically determining how one object model maps to another.

How do you customize Model Mapper?

Each TypeMap contains a PropertyMap with a list of mappings. So in the example the mm will automatically create a TypeMap<DogData, DogInfo> that contains a PropertyMap that has a single mapping. do one of the following: if the TypeMap has a custom Converter, call it.

2 Answers

I think if you configure your ModelMapper as LOOSE or STANDARD it will do for you.

modelMapper = new ModelMapper();

Otherwhise you could try next:

  1. You may create a converter like:

    public class ListThingToThingDTOConverter implements Converter<List<Thing>, List<ThingDTO>> {
    public List<ThingDTO> convert(MappingContext<List<Thing>, List<ThingDTO>> context) {
        List<Thing> source = context.getSource();
        List<ThingDTO> output = new ArrayList<>();
        //Convert programmatically List<Thing> to List<ThingDTO>
        return output;
  2. Then customize a Mapping Thing to ThingDTO as next:

        public class SourceToSourceDTOMap extends PropertyMap<Thing, ThingDTO> {
              protected void configure(){
                   using(new ListThingToThingDTOConverter()).map(source.getThings()).setThings(null);
  3. Finally you must add SourceToSourceDTOMap to your ModelMapper as below:

    modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
    modelMapper.addMappings(new SourceToSourceDTOMap());
like image 127
Pau Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10


You can map like the below code by creating generics . link for reference


imports :

import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import org.modelmapper.ModelMapper;
import org.modelmapper.TypeToken;

In your service or controller class:

ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
Type listType = new TypeToken<SourceDTO>(){}.getType();
SourceDTO sourceDTO = modelMapper.map(source,listType);
like image 35
Vignesh_A Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10
