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Get the screen height in Android

How can I get the available height of the screen in Android? I need to the height minus the status bar / menu bar or any other decorations that might be on screen and I need it to work for all devices. Also, I need to know this in the onCreate function. I know this question has been asked before but I have already tried their solutions and none of them work. Here are some of the things I have tried:

I have tested this code on API 7 - 17. Unfortunately, on API 13 there is extra space at bottom both horizontally and vertically and on API 10, 8, and 7 there is not enough space at the bottom both horizontally and vertically. (I have not tested on obsolete APIs):

Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
screenWidth = metrics.widthPixels;
screenHeight = metrics.heightPixels;

TypedValue tv = new TypedValue();
    if (getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.actionBarSize, tv, true))
        screenHeight -= TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(tv.data,getResources().getDisplayMetrics());

int resourceId = getResources().getIdentifier("status_bar_height", "dimen", "android");
if (resourceId > 0)
    screenHeight -= getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId);

This does not take into account the status bar / menu bar:

Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
screenWidth = display.getWidth();
screenHeight = display.getHeight();

Neither does this:

Point size = new Point();
screenWidth = size.x;
screenHeight = size.y;

Nor this:

Point size = new Point();
screenWidth = size.x;
screenHeight = size.y;

This does not work:

Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
// since SDK_INT = 1;
screenWidth = metrics.widthPixels;
screenHeight = metrics.heightPixels;
    // used when 17 > SDK_INT >= 14; includes window decorations (statusbar bar/menu bar)
    screenWidth = (Integer) Display.class.getMethod("getRawWidth").invoke(display);
    screenHeight = (Integer) Display.class.getMethod("getRawHeight").invoke(display);
catch (Exception ignored)
    // Do nothing
    // used when SDK_INT >= 17; includes window decorations (statusbar bar/menu bar)
    Point realSize = new Point();
    Display.class.getMethod("getRealSize", Point.class).invoke(display, realSize);
    screenWidth = realSize.x;
    screenHeight = realSize.y;
catch (Exception ignored)
    // Do nothing

I then used the following code to subtract the height of the status bar and menu bar from the screen height:

int result = 0;
int resourceId = getResources().getIdentifier("status_bar_height", "dimen", "android");
if (resourceId > 0)
    result = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId);
screenHeight -= result;
result = 0;
if (screenHeight >= screenWidth)
    resourceId = getResources().getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height", "dimen", "android");
    resourceId = getResources().getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height_landscape", "dimen", "android");
if (resourceId > 0)
    result = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId);
screenHeight -= result;

On API 17 it correctly calculates the height of the status bar and menu bar in portrait but not in landscape. On API 10, it returns 0. I need it to work ideally on all devices or minimum API 7.

like image 927
Dan Bray Avatar asked Jun 27 '13 21:06

Dan Bray

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<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>

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If you want the display dimensions in pixels you can use getSize : Display display = getWindowManager().

1 Answers

If you want the the display dimensions in pixels you can use getSize:

Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
Point size = new Point();
int width = size.x;
int height = size.y;

If you're not in an Activity you can get the default Display via WINDOW_SERVICE:

WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay();
int width = size.x;
int height = size.y;

Before getSize was introduced (in API level 13), you could use the getWidth and getHeight methods that are now deprecated:

Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); 
int width = display.getWidth();  // deprecated
int height = display.getHeight();  // deprecated

Referred from : Get screen dimensions in pixels

like image 102
Ponmalar Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
