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How to use Messageboxes in MVVM?

It seems that the XAML in MVVM pattern has difficulty to pop-up a Messageboxes. My client insists that the validation labels and colors are not good for them. They still want a messagebox. How can do it?

I know I can pop-up messageboxes in the view-model, but it violates the whole purpose for the view-model. I can also raise a error, and pop-up a messagebox in some exception handlers, but the messagebox is not an exception. It is part of the normal program flow.

Is there a good way to do it in XAML? My client likes messageboxes. She does not care about the MVVM pattern, she never had any quality problem before using MVVM and unit test. But now, she can not even get her messageboxes, so she is not very happy.

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BigTiger Avatar asked May 21 '10 13:05


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1 Answers

One possibilty is to use an interface for the messagebox like

public interface IMessageBoxProvider
    MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defaultResult);


and a wrapper class that implements this interface and uses a normal or custom messagebox. In the viewmodel you can then use like this

private IMessageBoxProvider MessageBox { get; set; }

where MessageBox is the wrapper class. So now you have decoupled the actual messagebox and so you are able to to unit testing and what not.

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Andreas Krebs Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 22:10

Andreas Krebs