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How to use logging middleware




Here below is the entry point of my web application written in Go using Labstack's Echo:

package main

import (
    mw "github.com/labstack/echo/middleware"

func main() {
    controller := controllers.NewUserController(getSession())

    app := echo.New()


    app.Post("/users", controller.CreateUser)
    app.Get("/users", controller.ListUsers)
    app.Get("/users/:id", controller.GetUser)
    app.Patch("/users/:id", controller.UpdateUser)
    app.Delete("/users/:id", controller.DeleteUser)


How do I reuse the logging middleware instantiated in the Echo application? I've tried this:

package controllers

import (


type (
    UserController struct {
        session *mgo.Session

func NewUserController(s *mgo.Session) *UserController {
    return &UserController{s}

func (userController UserController) CreateUser(context *echo.Context) error {
    user := &models.User{}

    if err := context.Bind(user); err != nil {
        context.Echo().Logger().Error("Error creating user")
        return err

    user.Id = bson.NewObjectId()

    context.Echo().Logger().Debug("Created user", id)

    return context.JSON(http.StatusCreated, user)

Even if the code above compiles, the statement

context.Echo().Logger().Debug("Created user", id)

doesn't produce any output... while the following statement does:

context.Echo().Logger().Info("Created user", id)

Am I missing something?

like image 918
j3d Avatar asked Mar 01 '16 12:03


People also ask

What is middleware logging?

HTTP Logging is a middleware that logs information about HTTP requests and HTTP responses. HTTP logging provides logs of: HTTP request information. Common properties. Headers.

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There are multiple ways to inject logging and other crosscutting concerns in Web API. One way is to create a custom ApiController class, or a base class for all of our controllers, and then override the ExecuteAsync method. Another way is to use a custom action filter.

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ASP.NET Core provides a generic logging interface to make it easy to log stuff from your application. The same interface is used throughout the framework and the third-party libraries, making it easier to search through the logs and diagnose the problem.

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3 Answers

I just started using Echo and don't know if anything has changed since this was posted, but I've found you can just import labstack's logger:

import "github.com/labstack/gommon/log"

Then use it:

log.Debug("Created user", id)
like image 97
Dan 0 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10

Dan 0

By Default echo uses "INFO" Log Level. So anything below "INFO" Level gets displayed.

If you want to see "DEBUG" Logs as well, You need to set the level to "DEBUG":

import "github.com/labstack/gommon/log"


like image 37
vs4vijay Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10


you can use 3rd party logging middleware such as https://github.com/sirupsen/logrus

import log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"


create log entry function:

func makeLogEntry(c echo.Context) *log.Entry {
    if c == nil {
        return log.WithFields(log.Fields{
            "at": time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),

    return log.WithFields(log.Fields{
        "at":     time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
        "method": c.Request().Method,
        "uri":    c.Request().URL.String(),
        "ip":     c.Request().RemoteAddr,


func middlewareLogging(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {
        makeLogEntry(c).Info("incoming request")
        return next(c)

func errorHandler(err error, c echo.Context) {
    report, ok := err.(*echo.HTTPError)
    if ok {
        report.Message = fmt.Sprintf("http error %d - %v", report.Code, report.Message)
    } else {
        report = echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())

    c.HTML(report.Code, report.Message.(string))

and then in main() function:

func main() {
    e := echo.New()

    e.HTTPErrorHandler = errorHandler

    e.GET("/index", func(c echo.Context) error {
        return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, true)

    lock := make(chan error)
    go func(lock chan error) {
        lock <- e.Start(":9000")

    time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
    makeLogEntry(nil).Warning("application started without ssl/tls enabled")

    err := <-lock
    if err != nil {
        makeLogEntry(nil).Panic("failed to start application")
like image 29
Muhammad Iqbal Ali Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10

Muhammad Iqbal Ali