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How to fix linter warning `Error return value is not checked`?




I'm calling the method with error type value (foo() in code example). I don't care this result. What's the rigth code style way to write? Errcheck linter makes me check this error.

//for example, same method may be called from imported entity
func foo() error {
   if err := someFunction(); err != nil {
       return err
   return nil

func process() {
   //linter doesn't like this

   //this way leads to unused variable error
   err := foo()

   //is this clean way?
   _ = foo()

like image 538
Evgeny Belyy Avatar asked Feb 14 '19 13:02

Evgeny Belyy

1 Answers

Yes, assigning it to a wildcard variable would be a good way to ignore the error. But the whole practice (of ignoring errors) is strongly discouraged. Here's what "Effective Go" has to say about this:

Occasionally you'll see code that discards the error value in order to ignore the error; this is terrible practice. Always check error returns; they're provided for a reason.

   // Bad! This code will crash if path does not exist.
    fi, _ := os.Stat(path)
    if fi.IsDir() {
        fmt.Printf("%s is a directory\n", path)
like image 153
Sergio Tulentsev Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09

Sergio Tulentsev