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How to use ? : if statements with Razor and inline code blocks

People also ask

How do you write a multi statement code block in Razor?

Multi-statement Code blockYou can write multiple lines of server-side code enclosed in braces @{ ... } . Each line must ends with a semicolon the same as C#.

How do you call a function in Razor page?

Razor pages have handler-methods which are HTTP verbs. So to call a method from your page you need to put On followed by the http verb you want then your method name . And in your view pass the name to the asp-page-handler without the OnPost or OnGet prefix or Async suffix.

How do you give ID in Razor syntax?

Just add the id property to the html-attributes. That will override the default id generated by the editorfor-helper-methode.

This should work:

<span class="vote-up@(puzzle.UserVote == VoteType.Up ? "-selected" : "")">Vote Up</span>

@( condition ? "true" : "false" )

The key is to encapsulate the expression in parentheses after the @ delimiter. You can make any compound expression work this way.

In most cases the solution of CD.. will work perfectly fine. However I had a bit more twisted situation:

 @(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.MaidenName) ? "&nbsp;" : Model.MaidenName)

This would print me "&nbsp;" in my page, respectively generate the source &amp;nbsp;. Now there is a function Html.Raw("&nbsp;") which is supposed to let you write source code, except in this constellation it throws a compiler error:

Compiler Error Message: CS0173: Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between 'System.Web.IHtmlString' and 'string'

So I ended up writing a statement like the following, which is less nice but works even in my case:

@if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.MaidenName)) { @Html.Raw("&nbsp;") } else { @Model.MaidenName } 

Note: interesting thing is, once you are inside the curly brace, you have to restart a Razor block.