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How to use HTML template with Vaadin?

I am new to Vaadin.

I have created template for my web application in HTML and JS.

How to use the developed template with Vaadin as am not sure if I will be able to develop same template using Vaadin only?

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Ashish Agarwal Avatar asked Mar 05 '12 08:03

Ashish Agarwal

People also ask

Is Vaadin framework good?

Vaadin is the only framework that allows you to write UI in plain Java. Additionally, you can create layouts in HTML or with a visual designer. All the application logic resides securely on the JVM. The programming model based on components and events is similar to many traditional UI frameworks.

Is vaadin frontend or backend?

Vaadin is a full-stack web app platform. This means that, unlike React or Angular, Vaadin helps you with the backend of the application and makes it easier to coordinate frontend and backend work.

1 Answers

It may be possible to re-use some of the layout of the template using the CustomLayout layout component in Vaadin.

You can also render the contents of a template into a Label component, and display the label in the application. See http://demo.vaadin.com/sampler#LabelRich for a small demo.

Generally, though, the idea of templates and "pages" is orthogonal to developing applications in Vaadin.

like image 176
Charles Anthony Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Charles Anthony