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How to use gollum on Windows? Is it possible?




I want to use the wiki on GitHub, and also use without Internet.
So I focus on gollum -- A git-based Wiki,but it is not possible on Windows.
But in the README.md on GitHub, they say in the Windows JRuby (1.9.3+ compatible) is needed, and gollum is almost supported.

I want to ask for a guide about how to use gollum on Windows, but i don't find further.

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54wall Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 06:10


2 Answers

So according to a comment (from 2020) in the ticket linked in the other answer, it is possible to run Gollum using JRuby.

I just tried that (February 2021) with JRuby and it worked for me.

Brief instructions (from said comment):

Just use the JRuby for Windows installer and gem install gollum.

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0xC0000022L Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 15:11


The short answer is no. There is a discussion of Gollom's Windows support here. There are a few nasty hacks to get some of it working, but if you value your time choose another wiki.


There have been several other Gollum based projects like Realms Wiki but they continued to have problems with Windows. There are lots of enthusiastic discussions between people who want to get them working under Windows but there appears to be too many issues relating to Posix/Windows incompatibilities that it didn't seem worth the time or effort to make it work.

The general advice moved towards installing Vagrant, VirtualBox, WSL or another virtual machine and run it under a Unix operating system instead.

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David Newcomb Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 15:11

David Newcomb