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How to use Global Variables in C#?

People also ask

Can you use global variables in C?

The C compiler recognizes a variable as global, as opposed to local, because its declaration is located outside the scope of any of the functions making up the program. Of course, a global variable can only be used in an executable statement after it has been declared.

How do you use global variables?

The global Keyword Normally, when you create a variable inside a function, that variable is local, and can only be used inside that function. To create a global variable inside a function, you can use the global keyword.

What is global variable in C with example?

Global variables are defined outside a function, usually on top of the program. Global variables hold their values throughout the lifetime of your program and they can be accessed inside any of the functions defined for the program. A global variable can be accessed by any function.

How do you create a global variable in C?

Global variables are generally written before main() function. In line 4, a and b are declared as two global variables of type int . The variable a will be automatically initialized to 0. You can use variables a and b inside any function.

In C# you cannot define true global variables (in the sense that they don't belong to any class).

This being said, the simplest approach that I know to mimic this feature consists in using a static class, as follows:

public static class Globals
    public const Int32 BUFFER_SIZE = 512; // Unmodifiable
    public static String FILE_NAME = "Output.txt"; // Modifiable
    public static readonly String CODE_PREFIX = "US-"; // Unmodifiable

You can then retrieve the defined values anywhere in your code (provided it's part of the same namespace):

String code = Globals.CODE_PREFIX + value.ToString();

In order to deal with different namespaces, you can either:

  • declare the Globals class without including it into a specific namespace (so that it will be placed in the global application namespace);
  • insert the proper using directive for retrieving the variables from another namespace.

There's no such thing as a global variable in C#. Period.

You can have static members if you want:

public static class MyStaticValues
   public static bool MyStaticBool {get;set;}

First examine if you really need a global variable instead using it blatantly without consideration to your software architecture.

Let's assuming it passes the test. Depending on usage, Globals can be hard to debug with race conditions and many other "bad things", it's best to approach them from an angle where you're prepared to handle such bad things. So,

  1. Wrap all such Global variables into a single static class (for manageability).
  2. Have Properties instead of fields(='variables'). This way you have some mechanisms to address any issues with concurrent writes to Globals in the future.

The basic outline for such a class would be:

public class Globals
    private static bool _expired;
    public static bool Expired 
            // Reads are usually simple
            return _expired;
            // You can add logic here for race conditions,
            // or other measurements
            _expired = value;
    // Perhaps extend this to have Read-Modify-Write static methods
    // for data integrity during concurrency? Situational.

Usage from other classes (within same namespace)

// Read
bool areWeAlive = Globals.Expired;

// Write
// past deadline
Globals.Expired = true;

A useful feature for this is using static

As others have said, you have to create a class for your globals:

public static class Globals {
    public const float PI = 3.14;

But you can import it like this in order to no longer write the class name in front of its static properties:

using static Globals;
Console.WriteLine("Pi is " + PI);