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How to use "gets" and "gets.chomp" in Ruby



I learned that gets creates a new line and asks the user to input something, and gets.chomp does the same thing except that it does not create a new line. gets must return an object, so you can call a method on it, right? If so, lets name that object returned by gets as tmp, then you can call the chomp method of tmp. But before gets returns tmp, it should print a new line on the screen. So what does chomp do? Does it remove the new line after the gets created it?

Another way to re-expound my question is: Are the following actions performed when I call gets.chomp?

  1. gets prints a new line
  2. gets returns tmp
  3. tmp.chomp removes the new line
  4. User input

Is this the right order?

like image 468
John Wu Avatar asked Apr 21 '14 08:04

John Wu

1 Answers

gets lets the user input a line and returns it as a value to your program. This value includes the trailing line break. If you then call chomp on that value, this line break is cut off. So no, what you have there is incorrect, it should rather be:

  1. gets gets a line of text, including a line break at the end.
    • This is the user input
  2. gets returns that line of text as a string value.
  3. Calling chomp on that value removes the line break

The fact that you see the line of text on the screen is only because you entered it there in the first place. gets does not magically suppress output of things you entered.

like image 126
Joey Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09
